We offer a range of garments to tackle a number of issues, including gynecomastia, hernias, posture correction, and assorted orthopedic troubles. Each one is tailored to tackle a specific problem, but they all have the common thread of offering tremendous support and comfort while remaining discreet underneath your clothing.
Our gynecomastia compression gear comes in various styles, allowing you to look and feel your best, whether you’re working out at the gym, swimming at the beach, in a business meeting, or simply having a fun night out with the guys. With offerings in microfiber, cotton, and a cotton/spandex blend, there’s a gynecomastia support garment for any occasion.
Hernia issues can lead to great discomfort, but our hernia support garments are made with industry-leading stretch technology that allows you to move freely and tackle whatever you have on your docket. Our medical compression garments for hernias can help address a number of problems, including those stemming from abdominal weakness, umbilical hernias, inguinal hernias, postpartum discomfort, and more.
If your back is acting up, you’ll want to explore our line of posture correcting gear for both men and women. Stand up to back pain and leave it behind you with our miracle-working shirts, bands, and trainers. You’ll find even more back support and some tummy-trimming to boot with our selection of orthopedic belts and straps.
Finding the right medical compression garments for your needs can be frustrating, but, fortunately, you’ve come to the right place. Shop Underworks today to get the best in compression and support garments to improve your life and your look today.